Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

MCR, Avenged Sevenfold, and Muse for sure.

Yah, walau saya udah ga gitu menggemari A7x dalam skala 'banget', tetapi tetep aja saya kagum berat sama sang drummer, James Owen Sullivan or The Reverend Tholomew Plague or The Rev. Yeah, he is the best drummer in the world! Walau sekarang kepergian The Rev dari dunia ini udah mau setahun lamanya, namun tentu saja The Rev masih tersimpan di hati penggemarnya (saik...)

Jimmy wasn’t just a drummer. He was an eccentric, talented musician. He could write riffs, lyrics drumbeats with nothing more than a simple idea in his head. His thought process is unlike any other artist, and that’s what makes him unique and a genius in his own right. You know Jimmy through videos, songs, tours and meeting him in person. To say you know this man, as a fan or friend or even both, it’s one of the greatest honors I have been blessed with.

Btw, walau kelewatan, rasanya ga terlalu basi untuk mengucapkan...


Oke, gambar disamping cukup... ngawur -__-

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